Brief: Make Penguin books part of the popular culture conversation again.
Insight: Society is engaging with social media platforms, including dating apps every day.Trusting apps to link two potential partners together. So why wouldn’t they trust an app to tell them what book is made for them? 
Idea: Reading is bought back to the forefront of popular culture, through the digital app'IceBreaker' which is designed from inspiration found on online dating platforms.
Audiences are picking up their devices, and putting down the novels. To flip this interaction we found a way to bring reading into popular culture, much like how deeply incorporated the online dating scene is.
‘IceBreaker’ is created to encourage the reading of Penguin books. It is designed for the audience to “find their match”, a book that is perfectly fit for each individual. As well as providing the option to communicate with others who received the same book match as you. 
This solution introduces Penguin into a format that is not commonly associated with books, advancing the brand into the mainstream cultural conversation amongst the wider public. With the launch of ‘IceBreaker’ books and the reading of Penguin will swiftly adjust to developing into an unmissable part of pop culture.
Creative Team:

Erin Beers - Copywriter/Video Editing/Research/Brain
Ashley Evans - Art Direction
Hannah Cheung (me) - Art Direction/Animation

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